Mary Rose Cook


I haven’t written a song since I released my last EP three months ago. And it’s not for want of trying. Thank God I have other creative outlets and projects to think about.



I am listening to a song that I don’t remember but that I must have downloaded at the same time as all those other songs that make me feel sad.



Saw Oxes live at The Luminaire in London on Tuesday. They were pretty fucking great:



Made up a Friday joke:

What is The RZA’s favourite programming language?



Kisses: the codename for my new app, and fun little functions

Get the indefinite article for a noun:

Convert a number like 28,947,345 to a vaguer, but more digestible, statement like 29 million:


Rewired State

Last Saturday, I went to Rewired State, a hackday where people made useful apps that use government data. The Guardian hosted us and gave us delicious free food. We got some free beer in the evening, too.

I did an app called Voxpomp that lets you search statements made by MPs in Parliament and then cross-reference the results with the news stories of the time.

It was a great day - lots of nice people and interesting conversations. I would love to see a Dewired State that was about using technology to let people build their own data sources and communities away from the government.

You can see all the hacks on the Rewired State project page. My favourites were:

  • One Click Organisations. Answer a few questions and the legal framework for your organisation will be drawn up. You can also use the app to maintain your members list and propose and vote on motions. I kind of wish the app could work outside of the assumption of a voting democracy, but it is only in its early stages.

  • Section 44. A place to document instances where people were stopped and searched under Section 44 of the Terrorism Act.



I’ve been using Git for a while. I like it. However, it’s kind of like watching Angel Heart: you get to the end and you go, “Wow.” But, then, you start to recurse from the denouement and fully expand the solutions you came up with as you watched the film. Then, it becomes more like, “Whoa, that’s means that…”, “Oh, no! But he…”, “Holy shitting fuck he had sex with…”

Explaining Git to someone produces even more of a contrast between first and subsequent reactions. The person you’re explaining it to starts out like one of those people looking at a Magic Eye: “Mmmm, yeah, that’s really weird.” And then they get it and they leap backwards shouting, “It’s a fucking 3D pink dolphin.”


My first open source app: Playmary

Grab a copy from the Github repository. There are full set up instructions in the README.

First, I cleaned up the app folder. I put references to all my personal scripts, documentation files, deploy.rb and database.yml into .gitignore. I put database.yml in the shared folder on the server, then added a task to my Capistrano deploy.rb so it would create a symlink from shared/config/database.yml to current/config

Second, I cleaned all the secret and stuff out of the code: Amazon AWS login details, the link to the default audiography, contact information. I put it all into shared/config/config.yml and then wrote a method that returns the data referenced by the passed key.

Finally, I had to get rid of all this secret stuff from the project’s git history. After wrestling with rebase for quite a while, I gave in. I deleted the .git folder in my local copy of the code, changed the name of the Github repository to playmary-old, created a new repository on Github called playmary and pushed my local copy of the code into it.