Become an AI-augmented engineer
Is this a good book for me, now?
Future of Coding podcast interview
An intuitive introduction to algorithmic efficiency
Paper programs animation program
The dynamic medium community in London
What I do when a student asks for help
Scarface, Prince of the City and Pieter de Hooch
Screencast about writing a Lisp interpreter in JavaScript
A practical introduction to functional programming
The Recurse Center on Mashable
The stabbing in Shadow of the Colossus
Spelunky, stories and trying to relate to other people
Why children should learn to code
A programming language for children, my talk at JSConf EU 2012
Deft and intuitive player character movement in a 2D platformer
The Fibonacci heap ruins my life
The Recurse Center testimonial
Springs, weights and the morning light
The rules of Ninja, as I learnt them last night
The slides from my talk on Pistol Slut
I'm giving a talk about Pistol Slut at the Berlin JavaScript group
2D collision detection in Pistol Slut
I wrote a quiz for my family. This is the film round. Name the actors pictured and the title.
It's Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown
Pistol Slut: some details about her
Maybe pretend that you're in the grocery store having to defend your queer body.
Freeing disk space on your Linux server
Writing an mp3 crawler in Clojure
Custom additions to the Firefox dictionary from the last two weeks
Adding keyboard control to Playmary
How to watch video on one monitor and work on another monitor in VLC on OS X
Great review of Ariel Schrag's Likewise
Playlist of The Guardian's 1000 songs everyone must hear
Randall Munroe's visit to Google (xkcd)
Kisses: the codename for my new app, and fun little functions
My first open source app: Playmary
Why do Capistrano deploys of git code take so long?
Brutal New York - Photographs 1965 to 1995
Zach Hill, The Present, Trencher
How do I get into noise music?
Rigorous cataloguing of social dress codes
BlueTripCSS Framework - Blueprint meets Tripoli | Capsize Designs
Daniel Azuma: Implementing DSL Blocks
RubyMine - Download Public Preview
The Lost Years & Last Days of David Foster Wallace
The Unfinished Swan - paint-throwing maze game
why's (poignant) guide to ruby - Downtown
Future Of Web Apps - London 2008
.c( whytheluckystiff )o. — Seeing Metaclasses Clearly
the perceptron - astute music recommendations
Creating a music recommendation engine
Y Combinator, Startup Ideas We Would Like to Fund
The author of, Randall Munroe, speaking at Google.
When you come to the end, you go back to the beginning
Using cron with Rails on Slicehost
Pitchfork's Review of The Bedlam in Goliath by The Mars Volta
Wynne Greenwood has released new music
An account of the making of The Mars Volta's new album
Simple and flexible permissions
About Mary and